Friday, May 22, 2009

Cod-something Trail.

Cod-something Trail. I don't remember what it's called. 2 weeks ago, Christa [Christopher's sister] invited us to go on a hike with her and Pat [family friend who just got home from his 2-year mission last month]. I'm not a big hiker, but I wanted to go for Emery's sake. Well, I enjoy getting out. Although I prefer less tiring hobbies. But, it was really for Emery. I shouldn't turn down anything that she might love.

We went to REI and bought a special backpack to carry a baby in. She was really happy in it for the first half. But not the second half. I think she was just exhausted. Well, I know she was tired. But, I think that's the reason she was upset. That backpack did not make it comfortable, or even possible to sleep for her.

Emery is sitting by herself in this picture. It was a big rock, and I though it would make a cute picture. I was nervous that she would fall. It wasn't the safest environment she's ever been in. But, the picture came out adorable <3
Don't worry. I'm not a horrible mom. Christopher was next to her in case she got a little wobbly. But, she didn't. She understands how mommy likes her pictures.

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