Friday, May 22, 2009

More, Mommy!

So, Emery has recently learned to clap. She is very good at it. Her palms hit each other right where they should, and her fingers stay in the upright position. She does it over and over again, and it usually makes a sound.

So, I've been trying to teach her to sign more. It's easily confused with clapping. But she knows now. She will imitate me when I do it. Her hands go together slowly where moreso the fingers touch, rather than the palms. She will do it only 1-3 times in a row. There is a difference. I can tell.

So, I'm sitting her on facebook, approximately 5 minutes ago. She is sitting in front of me at her high chair, munching on yogurt bites. I look up, and they are all gone, and she is signing for more! I've never felt so proud in my entire life.

If this is what being a mommy feels like, all the hard work is worth it!

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